function zadania() {
$r_zadania = mysql_query("select,z.id_wydzial,z.nazwa".lg." as nazwa,
w.nazwa".(lg == "pl"? "" : lg)." as wydzial
from wydzialy_zadania as z, wydzialy as w
WHERE = z.id_wydzial ".( (isset( $_GET['q'] ) and strlen( $_GET['q'] ) > 1 ) ? " and z.nazwa".lg." like '%".addslashes( $_GET['q'] )."%'" : false )."
order by z.nazwa".lg." ASC") or die( mysql_error());
$zad = array();
while ($t_zad = mysql_fetch_assoc($r_zadania)) {
if(isset( $_GET['q'] ) and strlen( $_GET['q'] ) ) {
$t_zad['nazwa'] = str_replace( $_GET['q'], ''.$_GET['q'].'', $t_zad['nazwa'] );
$zad[] = $t_zad;
return $zad;
function rady() {
if($_GET['id'])list($typ_get) = mysql_fetch_row(mysql_query("select id from rada_typ where id='".(int)$_GET['id']."'"));
if($_GET['id_osoba']) list($id_osoba) = mysql_fetch_row(mysql_query("select id from rada_osoby where id='".intval($_GET['id_osoba'])."'"));
if(!$typ_get && !$id_osoba) {
$r_lista = mysql_query("select nazwa".lg." as nazwa,id,opis from rada_typ");
$tmp = array();
while ($t = mysql_fetch_assoc($r_lista)) {
$tmp[] = array(
"id" => $t['id'],
"nazwa" => $t['nazwa'],
"komisja" => (ereg("omisja ",$t['nazwa']) ? 1 : 0 )
return $tmp;
} elseif (!$id_osoba) {
$name = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("select nazwa".lg." as nazwa from rada_typ where id='$typ_get'"));
$r_osoby = mysql_query("select
rada_sl.nazwa".lg." as nazwa
where and and
order by rada_sl.kolej,rada_osoby.nazwisko ASC ");
$tmp = array();
while ($t = mysql_fetch_assoc($r_osoby)) {
$tmp[] = array(
"id" => $t['id'],
"imie" => $t['imie'] ." ".$t['nazwisko'],
"telefon" => $t['telefon'],
"email" => $t['email'],
"stanowisko" => $t['nazwa'],
"wiecej" => ($t['okreg'] ? 1 : 0)
return array("nazwa" => $name['nazwa'],"lista" => $tmp);
} else {
$tmp = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("select * from rada_osoby where id='".$id_osoba."'"));
$tmp['okregi'] = "okregi/".$tmp['okreg'].".tpl";
if (file_exists("osoby/".$id_osoba.".jpg")) $tmp['foto']=1;
else unset($tmp['foto']);
return $tmp;
function wydzialy($rodzaj) {
$tmp = array();
if ($_GET['id'] == "") {
if ($rodzaj == "3") { //stowarzyszenia
$r_st = mysql_query("SELECT id, nazwa".lg." as nazwa FROM `wydzialy_stowarzyszenia_typy` order by ID ASC");
while(list($id,$nazwa) = mysql_fetch_row($r_st)) {
$r_wyd = mysql_query("select id,nazwa".lg." as nazwa,http, telefon,kierownik,adres,email from wydzialy where id_rodzaj='".$rodzaj."' AND id_sto_typ='".$id."' order by nazwapl") or die(mysql_error());
while ($t_wyd = mysql_fetch_array($r_wyd)) {
array_push($tmp2,array (
"id" => $t_wyd['id'],
"telefon" => $t_wyd['telefon'],
"kierownik" => $t_wyd['kierownik'],
"adres" => $t_wyd['adres'],
"email" => $t_wyd['email'],
"url" => $t_wyd['http']
array_push($tmp,array("nazwa" => $nazwa,"lista" => $tmp2));
} else {
$r_wyd = mysql_query("select id,nazwa".lg." as nazwa,http, telefon,kierownik,adres,email, opis".lg." as opis from wydzialy where id_rodzaj='".$rodzaj."' order by nazwapl") or die(mysql_error());
$tmp = array();
while ($t_wyd = mysql_fetch_array($r_wyd)) {
array_push($tmp,array (
"id" => $t_wyd['id'],
"telefon" => $t_wyd['telefon'],
"kierownik" => $t_wyd['kierownik'],
"adres" => $t_wyd['adres'],
"email" => $t_wyd['email'],
"url" => $t_wyd['http'],
"opis" => $t_wyd['opis']
return ($tmp);
} else {
$t = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("select id,nazwa".lg." as nazwa,opis".lg." as opis,email,telefon,adres,kierownik from wydzialy where id='".$_GET['id']."'"));
$r = mysql_query("select id,nazwa from wydzialy_zadania_rodzaje");
$rodzaje = array();
while (list($id_rodzaj,$rodzaj) = mysql_fetch_row($r)) {
"id" => $id_rodzaj,
"nazwa" => $rodzaj
$r_zadania = mysql_query("select id,id_rodzaj,nazwa".lg." as nazwa from wydzialy_zadania where id_wydzial='".$_GET['id']."'");
$zad = array();
while ($t_zad = mysql_fetch_array($r_zadania)) {
$rPliki = mysql_query( "SELECT id, nazwapl as nazwa FROM pliki WHERE id_zadanie = '".$t_zad['id']."'" );
$pliki = array();
while( $tPliki = mysql_fetch_assoc( $rPliki ) ) {
$tPliki['plik'] = array_pop( glob( "dokumenty/".(int)$tPliki['id'].".*" ) );
$pliki[] = $tPliki;
$zad[] = array(
"rodzaj" =>$t_zad['id_rodzaj'],
"nazwa" => $t_zad['nazwa'],
"pliki" => $pliki
return array("wydzial" => $t,"zadania" => $zad,"rodzaje" => $rodzaje);
function posiedzenia() {
/* $r_kad = mysql_query("select id, nazwa".lg." as nazwa from posiedzenia_kadencje order by id DESC");
$tmp = array();
while ($t_kad = mysql_fetch_array($r_kad)) {
array_push($tmp, array(
"id" => $t_kad['id'],
"nazwa" => $t_kad['nazwa']
$centro -> assign('kad',$tmp); */
$r_pos = mysql_query("select,posiedzenia.numer,, as id_typ,rada_typ.nazwa".lg." as nazwa, posiedzenia.id_kadencja as kad, posiedzenia.mp3 from posiedzenia, rada_typ where order by DESC");
$tmp = array();
while ($t_pos = mysql_fetch_array($r_pos)) {
list($prot,$prot_f) = mysql_fetch_row(mysql_query("select id,format from protokoly where id_posiedzenie = '$t_pos[id]'"));
list($biul,$biul_f) = mysql_fetch_row(mysql_query("select id,format from biuletyny where id_posiedzenie='$t_pos[id]'"));
"id"=> $t_pos['id'],
"data"=> $t_pos['data'],
"nazwa" => $t_pos['nazwa'],
"kad"=> $t_pos['kad'],
"prot_f" =>$prot_f,
"prot" => $prot,
"biul_f" =>$biul_f,
"mp3" => $t_pos['mp3']
// $centro -> assign('pos',$tmp);
return $tmp;
function lata() {
$r = mysql_query("select DISTINCT YEAR(data) as rok from posiedzenia");
for(;$t = mysql_fetch_row($r); $tmp[] = $t[0]);
return $tmp;
function prawo_lokalne() {
if ($_GET['fraza']) {
$where .= " uchwaly.skrot like '%".trim($_GET['fraza'])."%' and ";
if ($_GET['mies']) {
$where .= " MONTH( = '".$_GET['mies']."' and ";
if ($_GET['rok']) {
$where .= " YEAR( = '".$_GET['rok']."' and ";
if ($_GET['id']) {
$where .= " = '".$_GET['id']."' and ";
$where .= " 1 order by DESC, uchwaly.numer ";
if (!$_GET['szuk'] && !$_GET['miesiac'] && !$_GET['rok'] && !$_GET['id']) $where .= " DESC LIMIT 20";
else $where .= " DESC ";
// print $where;
$zapytanie = "select, posiedzenia.numer,,SUBSTRING(YEAR(,3,2) as rok,
uchwaly.numer as uch_nr,uchwaly.skrot from uchwaly ,posiedzenia where and ". $where;
$r_uch = mysql_query($zapytanie);
// print $zapytanie;
if ($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] == "") {
# die($zapytanie);
$tmp = array();
while ($t_u = mysql_fetch_array($r_uch)) {
$r_plik = mysql_query("select id,opis,format from uchwaly_pliki where id_uchwala='".$t_u['id']."'");
$tmp2= array();
while ($t_p = mysql_fetch_array($r_plik)) {
$path = "./prawo/". $t_p['id'].".".$t_p['format'];
if (file_exists($path)) {
"id" => $t_p['id'],
"id_uch" => $t_u['id'],
"opis" => $t_p['opis'],
"format" => $t_p['format'],
"size" => number_format(filesize($path)/1024,0)
"id" => $t_u['id'],
"numer" => $t_u['numer'],
"data" => $t_u['data'],
"rok" => $t_u['rok'],
"nr_uch" => $t_u['uch_nr'],
"skrot" => $t_u['skrot'],
"pliki" => $tmp2
# $centro -> assign('uch',$tmp);
# $centro -> assign('uch_p',$tmp2);
return $tmp;
Brusy Miasto i Gmina
Tour guide
City and territory of Brusy is a part of Kaszuby and Tucholsky Forrest
(Bory Tucholskie). Brusy from centuries were important in Zabory
(subregion in South part of Kashuby). People who live (...)
Beautiful landscape with watermill build in 1903, old house from 1929
and chapel build in commemoration of two visits of John Paul II in 1953
and 1966 at the time of canoe rafting on Brda. (...)
Here in 1904 in famous name family � Zmuda Trzebiatowsky � was born a
little girl � Anna Laiming � author of many spectacles, novels and
memoirs. She writes in (...)
Here in 1929 were born Stanislaw Pestka � commentator, Kashubian
activist and poet �who always sign his Kashubian texts under the
pseudonym of Jan Zbrzyca. This pseudonym comes (...)
Village established on the spot where was a tavern in the middle-ages.
Eight kilometres farther from Mecikal Mylofie you will find one in the
kind dam for Brda river with water falling in (...)
Village – situated 3 kilometres in south-east from Brusy, on a track to
Czersk. About 1000 residents. Village dates from 1324 year. BATLLE WITH
First note about Lesno village comes from 1354 from giving knight�s
villages to Ditrich by Great Master of Germans Order - Winrych von
Kniprode. In land granting document is listed (...)
Kaszuba is a small village situated at the end of Zabory. Virgin nature
and sandy area reigned this place. In village you will find also manor
of family Kossak � Gloczewscy build in (...)
This is a natural scansen where each eleven house is a monument. At
entry you will find field-chapel surrounded by birches build in 1900
year. The village is situated in small valley (...)
As a village existed already in times of Dukes of Pomerania. In 1354
Zygfryd von Garlichskein again placed village in Chelm�s law. At entry
you will find renovated Jesus Christ figure. (...)
From the end of XIX century a property of Sikorsky�s family � their
Memory place is situated near to the church in Brusy. In years 1852-53
family build a manor in neogothic (...)
In Orlik worth of attention is Convent of Franciscan from Christian
Penance and Love from XX century with monumental and interesting
architecture. see on a