function zadania() {
$r_zadania = mysql_query("select,z.id_wydzial,z.nazwa".lg." as nazwa,
w.nazwa".(lg == "pl"? "" : lg)." as wydzial
from wydzialy_zadania as z, wydzialy as w
WHERE = z.id_wydzial ".( (isset( $_GET['q'] ) and strlen( $_GET['q'] ) > 1 ) ? " and z.nazwa".lg." like '%".addslashes( $_GET['q'] )."%'" : false )."
order by z.nazwa".lg." ASC") or die( mysql_error());
$zad = array();
while ($t_zad = mysql_fetch_assoc($r_zadania)) {
if(isset( $_GET['q'] ) and strlen( $_GET['q'] ) ) {
$t_zad['nazwa'] = str_replace( $_GET['q'], ''.$_GET['q'].'', $t_zad['nazwa'] );
$zad[] = $t_zad;
return $zad;
function rady() {
if($_GET['id'])list($typ_get) = mysql_fetch_row(mysql_query("select id from rada_typ where id='".(int)$_GET['id']."'"));
if($_GET['id_osoba']) list($id_osoba) = mysql_fetch_row(mysql_query("select id from rada_osoby where id='".intval($_GET['id_osoba'])."'"));
if(!$typ_get && !$id_osoba) {
$r_lista = mysql_query("select nazwa".lg." as nazwa,id,opis from rada_typ");
$tmp = array();
while ($t = mysql_fetch_assoc($r_lista)) {
$tmp[] = array(
"id" => $t['id'],
"nazwa" => $t['nazwa'],
"komisja" => (ereg("omisja ",$t['nazwa']) ? 1 : 0 )
return $tmp;
} elseif (!$id_osoba) {
$name = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("select nazwa".lg." as nazwa from rada_typ where id='$typ_get'"));
$r_osoby = mysql_query("select
rada_sl.nazwa".lg." as nazwa
where and and
order by rada_sl.kolej,rada_osoby.nazwisko ASC ");
$tmp = array();
while ($t = mysql_fetch_assoc($r_osoby)) {
$tmp[] = array(
"id" => $t['id'],
"imie" => $t['imie'] ." ".$t['nazwisko'],
"telefon" => $t['telefon'],
"email" => $t['email'],
"stanowisko" => $t['nazwa'],
"wiecej" => ($t['okreg'] ? 1 : 0)
return array("nazwa" => $name['nazwa'],"lista" => $tmp);
} else {
$tmp = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("select * from rada_osoby where id='".$id_osoba."'"));
$tmp['okregi'] = "okregi/".$tmp['okreg'].".tpl";
if (file_exists("osoby/".$id_osoba.".jpg")) $tmp['foto']=1;
else unset($tmp['foto']);
return $tmp;
function wydzialy($rodzaj) {
$tmp = array();
if ($_GET['id'] == "") {
if ($rodzaj == "3") { //stowarzyszenia
$r_st = mysql_query("SELECT id, nazwa".lg." as nazwa FROM `wydzialy_stowarzyszenia_typy` order by ID ASC");
while(list($id,$nazwa) = mysql_fetch_row($r_st)) {
$r_wyd = mysql_query("select id,nazwa".lg." as nazwa,http, telefon,kierownik,adres,email from wydzialy where id_rodzaj='".$rodzaj."' AND id_sto_typ='".$id."' order by nazwapl") or die(mysql_error());
while ($t_wyd = mysql_fetch_array($r_wyd)) {
array_push($tmp2,array (
"id" => $t_wyd['id'],
"telefon" => $t_wyd['telefon'],
"kierownik" => $t_wyd['kierownik'],
"adres" => $t_wyd['adres'],
"email" => $t_wyd['email'],
"url" => $t_wyd['http']
array_push($tmp,array("nazwa" => $nazwa,"lista" => $tmp2));
} else {
$r_wyd = mysql_query("select id,nazwa".lg." as nazwa,http, telefon,kierownik,adres,email, opis".lg." as opis from wydzialy where id_rodzaj='".$rodzaj."' order by nazwapl") or die(mysql_error());
$tmp = array();
while ($t_wyd = mysql_fetch_array($r_wyd)) {
array_push($tmp,array (
"id" => $t_wyd['id'],
"telefon" => $t_wyd['telefon'],
"kierownik" => $t_wyd['kierownik'],
"adres" => $t_wyd['adres'],
"email" => $t_wyd['email'],
"url" => $t_wyd['http'],
"opis" => $t_wyd['opis']
return ($tmp);
} else {
$t = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("select id,nazwa".lg." as nazwa,opis".lg." as opis,email,telefon,adres,kierownik from wydzialy where id='".$_GET['id']."'"));
$r = mysql_query("select id,nazwa from wydzialy_zadania_rodzaje");
$rodzaje = array();
while (list($id_rodzaj,$rodzaj) = mysql_fetch_row($r)) {
"id" => $id_rodzaj,
"nazwa" => $rodzaj
$r_zadania = mysql_query("select id,id_rodzaj,nazwa".lg." as nazwa from wydzialy_zadania where id_wydzial='".$_GET['id']."'");
$zad = array();
while ($t_zad = mysql_fetch_array($r_zadania)) {
$rPliki = mysql_query( "SELECT id, nazwapl as nazwa FROM pliki WHERE id_zadanie = '".$t_zad['id']."'" );
$pliki = array();
while( $tPliki = mysql_fetch_assoc( $rPliki ) ) {
$tPliki['plik'] = array_pop( glob( "dokumenty/".(int)$tPliki['id'].".*" ) );
$pliki[] = $tPliki;
$zad[] = array(
"rodzaj" =>$t_zad['id_rodzaj'],
"nazwa" => $t_zad['nazwa'],
"pliki" => $pliki
return array("wydzial" => $t,"zadania" => $zad,"rodzaje" => $rodzaje);
function posiedzenia() {
/* $r_kad = mysql_query("select id, nazwa".lg." as nazwa from posiedzenia_kadencje order by id DESC");
$tmp = array();
while ($t_kad = mysql_fetch_array($r_kad)) {
array_push($tmp, array(
"id" => $t_kad['id'],
"nazwa" => $t_kad['nazwa']
$centro -> assign('kad',$tmp); */
$r_pos = mysql_query("select,posiedzenia.numer,, as id_typ,rada_typ.nazwa".lg." as nazwa, posiedzenia.id_kadencja as kad, posiedzenia.mp3 from posiedzenia, rada_typ where order by DESC");
$tmp = array();
while ($t_pos = mysql_fetch_array($r_pos)) {
list($prot,$prot_f) = mysql_fetch_row(mysql_query("select id,format from protokoly where id_posiedzenie = '$t_pos[id]'"));
list($biul,$biul_f) = mysql_fetch_row(mysql_query("select id,format from biuletyny where id_posiedzenie='$t_pos[id]'"));
"id"=> $t_pos['id'],
"data"=> $t_pos['data'],
"nazwa" => $t_pos['nazwa'],
"kad"=> $t_pos['kad'],
"prot_f" =>$prot_f,
"prot" => $prot,
"biul_f" =>$biul_f,
"mp3" => $t_pos['mp3']
// $centro -> assign('pos',$tmp);
return $tmp;
function lata() {
$r = mysql_query("select DISTINCT YEAR(data) as rok from posiedzenia");
for(;$t = mysql_fetch_row($r); $tmp[] = $t[0]);
return $tmp;
function prawo_lokalne() {
if ($_GET['fraza']) {
$where .= " uchwaly.skrot like '%".trim($_GET['fraza'])."%' and ";
if ($_GET['mies']) {
$where .= " MONTH( = '".$_GET['mies']."' and ";
if ($_GET['rok']) {
$where .= " YEAR( = '".$_GET['rok']."' and ";
if ($_GET['id']) {
$where .= " = '".$_GET['id']."' and ";
$where .= " 1 order by DESC, uchwaly.numer ";
if (!$_GET['szuk'] && !$_GET['miesiac'] && !$_GET['rok'] && !$_GET['id']) $where .= " DESC LIMIT 20";
else $where .= " DESC ";
// print $where;
$zapytanie = "select, posiedzenia.numer,,SUBSTRING(YEAR(,3,2) as rok,
uchwaly.numer as uch_nr,uchwaly.skrot from uchwaly ,posiedzenia where and ". $where;
$r_uch = mysql_query($zapytanie);
// print $zapytanie;
if ($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] == "") {
# die($zapytanie);
$tmp = array();
while ($t_u = mysql_fetch_array($r_uch)) {
$r_plik = mysql_query("select id,opis,format from uchwaly_pliki where id_uchwala='".$t_u['id']."'");
$tmp2= array();
while ($t_p = mysql_fetch_array($r_plik)) {
$path = "./prawo/". $t_p['id'].".".$t_p['format'];
if (file_exists($path)) {
"id" => $t_p['id'],
"id_uch" => $t_u['id'],
"opis" => $t_p['opis'],
"format" => $t_p['format'],
"size" => number_format(filesize($path)/1024,0)
"id" => $t_u['id'],
"numer" => $t_u['numer'],
"data" => $t_u['data'],
"rok" => $t_u['rok'],
"nr_uch" => $t_u['uch_nr'],
"skrot" => $t_u['skrot'],
"pliki" => $tmp2
# $centro -> assign('uch',$tmp);
# $centro -> assign('uch_p',$tmp2);
return $tmp;
Brusy Miasto i Gmina
Tour guide
First note about Lesno village comes from 1354 from giving knight�s
villages to Ditrich by Great Master of Germans Order - Winrych von
Kniprode. In land granting document is listed village called Leiste and
the lake Lubawo. In 1438 village became property of Komtur Tucholsky
and in 1466 became a king�s village Lesno situated on the border of
Starostwo Tucholsky (local authority). Coming from XVII century church
under the name of Holy Cross Raising (Podwyzszenia Krzyza Swietego) in
Lesno is the best kept and most original wood church from all the
Kashubian churches. First information about church and parish comes
from 1534 � mentioned in bishop of Breslau (Wroclaw) inventory. Then it
was church of the St. Katarina. After reformation church lost it�s
parish and became branch of a Brusy�s church � probably at the end of
XVI century. First description of church comes from writing up of
bishop Heronim Rozrazewski visit (1583 � 1584). This church with this
description survived till a fire in 1634. New church was build from
1634 to 1687 (year of visit next of bishop). Jerzy Schwergel Kartuzy�s
prior in his work �Ad Historiam Ecclesiasticam Pomeraniae� dd. 1749
says that change of church�s name in Lesno was done in 1642, and
according to Parish Chronicle � queen Maria Ludwika Gonzaga founded
new, XVII century church. Stating that it was royal foundation can come
from a fact that the church was from the beginning was under royal
patronage (royal village). According to XIX century habits or rather
laws � royal sponsored in 2/3 all costs of building new churches (being
under royal patronage) and 1/3 was the local parish costs. There are no
materials about building � except� from 1687 year visit-documents that
over the presbytery and aisle was board-vault and roof was covered by
shingle. At that times church was surrounded by cemetery with bell
tower and Charnel morgue. In 1687 church�s condition was very good � it
was build forty years before. More precisely description of church
comes from documentations from visit of bishop Szaniawski dd. 1710
year. Wood church under the name of Holy Cross Raising in Lesno was
build around 1642 year and later very much re-build after 1710 year. At
the beginning of XIX century from west side was build a tower and in XX
century west vestibule (in German� kruft�). Church with today�s
architectonic look is a result of composition from few building phases
and it is now rare and special wood sacral architecture in Kashuby.
What is most recognisable � this is a tower. The tower narrows to the
top and have ice-apron (which is more characteristic to west Poland)
and also pointed final. Entire tower is cover by shingle. Other
characteristic point in church is a result of late re-build � a triple
frame. Multi-nave architecture in small village churches, not only made
of wood is not frequent. In wood churches from this region this is the
only one � opposite to south Poland. Main entrance is on the north wall
and because of that is also big departure from the rule (it is habit to
put doors on north and west walls). This solution also makes exception
according inside of church. In XX century inside of presbytery, nave
and column under chorus was cleaned from XX century oil paintings. Now
it shows glamour with colours and surface of wood. At present-days
valuable church fitments were conserved. Worth of attention is baroque
is Crucify Group and altars from XVII century. There are saved also
organs from beginning of XVIII c. and side � altar with presbytery from
middle XVIII c. Church from Lesno is very value and important sacral
wooden monument because of its not typical archi8tecture and saved till
today church fitments. Church in Lesno is a proof that those who funded
last three re-builds were trying to reach original form with influence
from different environments. In 1975 altars, pulpit organs and chorus
were conserved. Last repairs were done in years 1993-1994, with
changing all shingle timbering from roof and tower�s walls.
see on a map