function zadania() {
$r_zadania = mysql_query("select,z.id_wydzial,z.nazwa".lg." as nazwa,
w.nazwa".(lg == "pl"? "" : lg)." as wydzial
from wydzialy_zadania as z, wydzialy as w
WHERE = z.id_wydzial ".( (isset( $_GET['q'] ) and strlen( $_GET['q'] ) > 1 ) ? " and z.nazwa".lg." like '%".addslashes( $_GET['q'] )."%'" : false )."
order by z.nazwa".lg." ASC") or die( mysql_error());
$zad = array();
while ($t_zad = mysql_fetch_assoc($r_zadania)) {
if(isset( $_GET['q'] ) and strlen( $_GET['q'] ) ) {
$t_zad['nazwa'] = str_replace( $_GET['q'], ''.$_GET['q'].'', $t_zad['nazwa'] );
$zad[] = $t_zad;
return $zad;
function rady() {
if($_GET['id'])list($typ_get) = mysql_fetch_row(mysql_query("select id from rada_typ where id='".(int)$_GET['id']."'"));
if($_GET['id_osoba']) list($id_osoba) = mysql_fetch_row(mysql_query("select id from rada_osoby where id='".intval($_GET['id_osoba'])."'"));
if(!$typ_get && !$id_osoba) {
$r_lista = mysql_query("select nazwa".lg." as nazwa,id,opis from rada_typ");
$tmp = array();
while ($t = mysql_fetch_assoc($r_lista)) {
$tmp[] = array(
"id" => $t['id'],
"nazwa" => $t['nazwa'],
"komisja" => (ereg("omisja ",$t['nazwa']) ? 1 : 0 )
return $tmp;
} elseif (!$id_osoba) {
$name = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("select nazwa".lg." as nazwa from rada_typ where id='$typ_get'"));
$r_osoby = mysql_query("select
rada_sl.nazwa".lg." as nazwa
where and and
order by rada_sl.kolej,rada_osoby.nazwisko ASC ");
$tmp = array();
while ($t = mysql_fetch_assoc($r_osoby)) {
$tmp[] = array(
"id" => $t['id'],
"imie" => $t['imie'] ." ".$t['nazwisko'],
"telefon" => $t['telefon'],
"email" => $t['email'],
"stanowisko" => $t['nazwa'],
"wiecej" => ($t['okreg'] ? 1 : 0)
return array("nazwa" => $name['nazwa'],"lista" => $tmp);
} else {
$tmp = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("select * from rada_osoby where id='".$id_osoba."'"));
$tmp['okregi'] = "okregi/".$tmp['okreg'].".tpl";
if (file_exists("osoby/".$id_osoba.".jpg")) $tmp['foto']=1;
else unset($tmp['foto']);
return $tmp;
function wydzialy($rodzaj) {
$tmp = array();
if ($_GET['id'] == "") {
if ($rodzaj == "3") { //stowarzyszenia
$r_st = mysql_query("SELECT id, nazwa".lg." as nazwa FROM `wydzialy_stowarzyszenia_typy` order by ID ASC");
while(list($id,$nazwa) = mysql_fetch_row($r_st)) {
$r_wyd = mysql_query("select id,nazwa".lg." as nazwa,http, telefon,kierownik,adres,email from wydzialy where id_rodzaj='".$rodzaj."' AND id_sto_typ='".$id."' order by nazwapl") or die(mysql_error());
while ($t_wyd = mysql_fetch_array($r_wyd)) {
array_push($tmp2,array (
"id" => $t_wyd['id'],
"telefon" => $t_wyd['telefon'],
"kierownik" => $t_wyd['kierownik'],
"adres" => $t_wyd['adres'],
"email" => $t_wyd['email'],
"url" => $t_wyd['http']
array_push($tmp,array("nazwa" => $nazwa,"lista" => $tmp2));
} else {
$r_wyd = mysql_query("select id,nazwa".lg." as nazwa,http, telefon,kierownik,adres,email, opis".lg." as opis from wydzialy where id_rodzaj='".$rodzaj."' order by nazwapl") or die(mysql_error());
$tmp = array();
while ($t_wyd = mysql_fetch_array($r_wyd)) {
array_push($tmp,array (
"id" => $t_wyd['id'],
"telefon" => $t_wyd['telefon'],
"kierownik" => $t_wyd['kierownik'],
"adres" => $t_wyd['adres'],
"email" => $t_wyd['email'],
"url" => $t_wyd['http'],
"opis" => $t_wyd['opis']
return ($tmp);
} else {
$t = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("select id,nazwa".lg." as nazwa,opis".lg." as opis,email,telefon,adres,kierownik from wydzialy where id='".$_GET['id']."'"));
$r = mysql_query("select id,nazwa from wydzialy_zadania_rodzaje");
$rodzaje = array();
while (list($id_rodzaj,$rodzaj) = mysql_fetch_row($r)) {
"id" => $id_rodzaj,
"nazwa" => $rodzaj
$r_zadania = mysql_query("select id,id_rodzaj,nazwa".lg." as nazwa from wydzialy_zadania where id_wydzial='".$_GET['id']."'");
$zad = array();
while ($t_zad = mysql_fetch_array($r_zadania)) {
$rPliki = mysql_query( "SELECT id, nazwapl as nazwa FROM pliki WHERE id_zadanie = '".$t_zad['id']."'" );
$pliki = array();
while( $tPliki = mysql_fetch_assoc( $rPliki ) ) {
$tPliki['plik'] = array_pop( glob( "dokumenty/".(int)$tPliki['id'].".*" ) );
$pliki[] = $tPliki;
$zad[] = array(
"rodzaj" =>$t_zad['id_rodzaj'],
"nazwa" => $t_zad['nazwa'],
"pliki" => $pliki
return array("wydzial" => $t,"zadania" => $zad,"rodzaje" => $rodzaje);
function posiedzenia() {
/* $r_kad = mysql_query("select id, nazwa".lg." as nazwa from posiedzenia_kadencje order by id DESC");
$tmp = array();
while ($t_kad = mysql_fetch_array($r_kad)) {
array_push($tmp, array(
"id" => $t_kad['id'],
"nazwa" => $t_kad['nazwa']
$centro -> assign('kad',$tmp); */
$r_pos = mysql_query("select,posiedzenia.numer,, as id_typ,rada_typ.nazwa".lg." as nazwa, posiedzenia.id_kadencja as kad, posiedzenia.mp3 from posiedzenia, rada_typ where order by DESC");
$tmp = array();
while ($t_pos = mysql_fetch_array($r_pos)) {
list($prot,$prot_f) = mysql_fetch_row(mysql_query("select id,format from protokoly where id_posiedzenie = '$t_pos[id]'"));
list($biul,$biul_f) = mysql_fetch_row(mysql_query("select id,format from biuletyny where id_posiedzenie='$t_pos[id]'"));
"id"=> $t_pos['id'],
"data"=> $t_pos['data'],
"nazwa" => $t_pos['nazwa'],
"kad"=> $t_pos['kad'],
"prot_f" =>$prot_f,
"prot" => $prot,
"biul_f" =>$biul_f,
"mp3" => $t_pos['mp3']
// $centro -> assign('pos',$tmp);
return $tmp;
function lata() {
$r = mysql_query("select DISTINCT YEAR(data) as rok from posiedzenia");
for(;$t = mysql_fetch_row($r); $tmp[] = $t[0]);
return $tmp;
function prawo_lokalne() {
if ($_GET['fraza']) {
$where .= " uchwaly.skrot like '%".trim($_GET['fraza'])."%' and ";
if ($_GET['mies']) {
$where .= " MONTH( = '".$_GET['mies']."' and ";
if ($_GET['rok']) {
$where .= " YEAR( = '".$_GET['rok']."' and ";
if ($_GET['id']) {
$where .= " = '".$_GET['id']."' and ";
$where .= " 1 order by DESC, uchwaly.numer ";
if (!$_GET['szuk'] && !$_GET['miesiac'] && !$_GET['rok'] && !$_GET['id']) $where .= " DESC LIMIT 20";
else $where .= " DESC ";
// print $where;
$zapytanie = "select, posiedzenia.numer,,SUBSTRING(YEAR(,3,2) as rok,
uchwaly.numer as uch_nr,uchwaly.skrot from uchwaly ,posiedzenia where and ". $where;
$r_uch = mysql_query($zapytanie);
// print $zapytanie;
if ($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] == "") {
# die($zapytanie);
$tmp = array();
while ($t_u = mysql_fetch_array($r_uch)) {
$r_plik = mysql_query("select id,opis,format from uchwaly_pliki where id_uchwala='".$t_u['id']."'");
$tmp2= array();
while ($t_p = mysql_fetch_array($r_plik)) {
$path = "./prawo/". $t_p['id'].".".$t_p['format'];
if (file_exists($path)) {
"id" => $t_p['id'],
"id_uch" => $t_u['id'],
"opis" => $t_p['opis'],
"format" => $t_p['format'],
"size" => number_format(filesize($path)/1024,0)
"id" => $t_u['id'],
"numer" => $t_u['numer'],
"data" => $t_u['data'],
"rok" => $t_u['rok'],
"nr_uch" => $t_u['uch_nr'],
"skrot" => $t_u['skrot'],
"pliki" => $tmp2
# $centro -> assign('uch',$tmp);
# $centro -> assign('uch_p',$tmp2);
return $tmp;
Brusy Miasto i Gmina
Tour guide
City and territory of Brusy is a part of Kaszuby and Tucholsky Forrest
(Bory Tucholskie). Brusy from centuries were important in Zabory
(subregion in South part of Kashuby). People who live here are called
Zaboraki Krëbany. Zabory was mention for the first time in Dukes of
Pomerania documents as terra Sabor, terra Zaborensis. The meaning of
this name is that this is territory behind the forests (in Polish �za
borami�) � Bory Tucholskie. The land of Zabory comprising Dziemiany,
Lesno, Brusy, Wiele, Karsin, Czersk, Swornegacie � historically formed
a part of Gdansk Pomerania. In XII century under the reign of Dukes of
Pomerania this territory was split into provinces called �kasztelania�.
The centre of Zaborsky Kasztelania probably was situated in Lesno. At
the time of German Order (Order of the Teutonic Knights) � 1309-1466
Zabory were added to Komtur Tucholsky therefore becomes part of Kingdom
of Prussia. After buying by German Order situated in the vicinity town
called Kosobudy and transferring there main seat of Zaborsky�s lands
administrators � Brusy became subordinate to Kosobudy. In 1773 there
have been established Chojnicky province and Brusy were a part of it.
After renewal of independent Poland and adding to it Poland - Zaborsky
were situated close to the Polish and German border. In 1945 Chojnicky
province were added into Bydgosky province. And after 1999
administration reform now is the Pomeranian province. Name Brusy comes
from word �brus� � millstone. The archaeological investigations gave us
conclusions that people lived here already in Iron and Bronze Age.
History of Brusy started in 1351 when they received village charter in
Tuchola given by Konrad Vullekop in presence of Order Brothers, wojt
and knights. For many years Brusy had servant duties for Kosobud � seat
of wojt (local authority) from Teutonic Knights times. Civilisation
promotion of Brusy in second past of XIX was connected with building in
1856 of macadam road and in 1902 railway Chojnice - Brusy. The village
became more like town with many companies. Chorus and local library
promote national culture. XIX century was also a time of national
consciousness and activity of local patriots against germanization.
Centre of the town with secession buildings and biggest brick church
dates back those times. After renewal of independent Poland in 1918
Brusy was important centre of wood and tree processing and third resort
concerning population in Chojnice province. In 1926 were established
Italian mushrooms drier �Dominate� with whole production for export.
Town charter in January 1988. Now whole province has 13 249 residents.
Zaborian people are very proud from their little homeland, culture
traditions and their own consciousness. As an result you will find here
only in its kind Kashubian High School, Youth House of Culture and
famous not only in our region Kashubian Folk Group Krëbane. Group is
also organiser of Folk FestivaL. Brusy province from one side has
border with National Park � Bory Tucholskie (Tucholsky Forrest) and
from north side with Zaborsky Landscape Park � full of birds, trees and
clean lakes � peaceful place like in a dream. What is most important
for economic development of this territory is tourism and agricultural
and food industry � especially processing of ground cover, fruits and
see on a map