1 ) ? " and z.nazwa".lg." like '%".addslashes( $_GET['q'] )."%'" : false )." order by z.nazwa".lg." ASC") or die( mysql_error()); $zad = array(); while ($t_zad = mysql_fetch_assoc($r_zadania)) { if(isset( $_GET['q'] ) and strlen( $_GET['q'] ) ) { $t_zad['nazwa'] = str_replace( $_GET['q'], ''.$_GET['q'].'', $t_zad['nazwa'] ); } $zad[] = $t_zad; } return $zad; } function rady() { if($_GET['id'])list($typ_get) = mysql_fetch_row(mysql_query("select id from rada_typ where id='".(int)$_GET['id']."'")); if($_GET['id_osoba']) list($id_osoba) = mysql_fetch_row(mysql_query("select id from rada_osoby where id='".intval($_GET['id_osoba'])."'")); if(!$typ_get && !$id_osoba) { $r_lista = mysql_query("select nazwa".lg." as nazwa,id,opis from rada_typ"); $tmp = array(); while ($t = mysql_fetch_assoc($r_lista)) { $tmp[] = array( "id" => $t['id'], "nazwa" => $t['nazwa'], "komisja" => (ereg("omisja ",$t['nazwa']) ? 1 : 0 ) ); } return $tmp; } elseif (!$id_osoba) { $name = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("select nazwa".lg." as nazwa from rada_typ where id='$typ_get'")); $r_osoby = mysql_query("select rada_osoby.imie,rada_osoby.id, rada_osoby.nazwisko, rada_osoby.telefon, rada_osoby.email, rada_osoby.okreg, rada_sl.nazwa".lg." as nazwa from rada_osoby, rada_sl, rada where rada_sl.id=rada.id_funkcja and rada_osoby.id=rada.id_osoba and rada.id_typ='".$typ_get."' order by rada_sl.kolej,rada_osoby.nazwisko ASC "); $tmp = array(); while ($t = mysql_fetch_assoc($r_osoby)) { $tmp[] = array( "id" => $t['id'], "imie" => $t['imie'] ." ".$t['nazwisko'], "telefon" => $t['telefon'], "email" => $t['email'], "stanowisko" => $t['nazwa'], "wiecej" => ($t['okreg'] ? 1 : 0) ); } return array("nazwa" => $name['nazwa'],"lista" => $tmp); } else { $tmp = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("select * from rada_osoby where id='".$id_osoba."'")); $tmp['okregi'] = "okregi/".$tmp['okreg'].".tpl"; if (file_exists("osoby/".$id_osoba.".jpg")) $tmp['foto']=1; else unset($tmp['foto']); return $tmp; } } function wydzialy($rodzaj) { $tmp = array(); if ($_GET['id'] == "") { if ($rodzaj == "3") { //stowarzyszenia $r_st = mysql_query("SELECT id, nazwa".lg." as nazwa FROM `wydzialy_stowarzyszenia_typy` order by ID ASC"); while(list($id,$nazwa) = mysql_fetch_row($r_st)) { $r_wyd = mysql_query("select id,nazwa".lg." as nazwa,http, telefon,kierownik,adres,email from wydzialy where id_rodzaj='".$rodzaj."' AND id_sto_typ='".$id."' order by nazwapl") or die(mysql_error()); $tmp2=array(); while ($t_wyd = mysql_fetch_array($r_wyd)) { array_push($tmp2,array ( "id" => $t_wyd['id'], "nazwa"=>$t_wyd['nazwa'], "telefon" => $t_wyd['telefon'], "kierownik" => $t_wyd['kierownik'], "adres" => $t_wyd['adres'], "email" => $t_wyd['email'], "url" => $t_wyd['http'] ) ); } array_push($tmp,array("nazwa" => $nazwa,"lista" => $tmp2)); } } else { $r_wyd = mysql_query("select id,nazwa".lg." as nazwa,http, telefon,kierownik,adres,email, opis".lg." as opis from wydzialy where id_rodzaj='".$rodzaj."' order by nazwapl") or die(mysql_error()); $tmp = array(); while ($t_wyd = mysql_fetch_array($r_wyd)) { array_push($tmp,array ( "id" => $t_wyd['id'], "nazwa"=>$t_wyd['nazwa'], "telefon" => $t_wyd['telefon'], "kierownik" => $t_wyd['kierownik'], "adres" => $t_wyd['adres'], "email" => $t_wyd['email'], "url" => $t_wyd['http'], "opis" => $t_wyd['opis'] ) ); } } return ($tmp); } else { $t = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("select id,nazwa".lg." as nazwa,opis".lg." as opis,email,telefon,adres,kierownik from wydzialy where id='".$_GET['id']."'")); $r = mysql_query("select id,nazwa from wydzialy_zadania_rodzaje"); $rodzaje = array(); while (list($id_rodzaj,$rodzaj) = mysql_fetch_row($r)) { array_push($rodzaje,array( "id" => $id_rodzaj, "nazwa" => $rodzaj ) ); } $r_zadania = mysql_query("select id,id_rodzaj,nazwa".lg." as nazwa from wydzialy_zadania where id_wydzial='".$_GET['id']."'"); $zad = array(); while ($t_zad = mysql_fetch_array($r_zadania)) { $rPliki = mysql_query( "SELECT id, nazwapl as nazwa FROM pliki WHERE id_zadanie = '".$t_zad['id']."'" ); $pliki = array(); while( $tPliki = mysql_fetch_assoc( $rPliki ) ) { $tPliki['plik'] = array_pop( glob( "dokumenty/".(int)$tPliki['id'].".*" ) ); $pliki[] = $tPliki; } $zad[] = array( "rodzaj" =>$t_zad['id_rodzaj'], "nazwa" => $t_zad['nazwa'], "pliki" => $pliki ); } return array("wydzial" => $t,"zadania" => $zad,"rodzaje" => $rodzaje); } } function posiedzenia() { /* $r_kad = mysql_query("select id, nazwa".lg." as nazwa from posiedzenia_kadencje order by id DESC"); $tmp = array(); while ($t_kad = mysql_fetch_array($r_kad)) { array_push($tmp, array( "id" => $t_kad['id'], "nazwa" => $t_kad['nazwa'] ) ); } $centro -> assign('kad',$tmp); */ $r_pos = mysql_query("select posiedzenia.id,posiedzenia.numer,posiedzenia.data,rada_typ.id as id_typ,rada_typ.nazwa".lg." as nazwa, posiedzenia.id_kadencja as kad, posiedzenia.mp3 from posiedzenia, rada_typ where rada_typ.id=posiedzenia.id_typ order by posiedzenia.data DESC"); $tmp = array(); while ($t_pos = mysql_fetch_array($r_pos)) { list($prot,$prot_f) = mysql_fetch_row(mysql_query("select id,format from protokoly where id_posiedzenie = '$t_pos[id]'")); list($biul,$biul_f) = mysql_fetch_row(mysql_query("select id,format from biuletyny where id_posiedzenie='$t_pos[id]'")); array_push($tmp,array( "id"=> $t_pos['id'], "id_typ"=>$t_pos['id_typ'], "numer"=>$t_pos['numer'], "data"=> $t_pos['data'], "nazwa" => $t_pos['nazwa'], "kad"=> $t_pos['kad'], "prot_f" =>$prot_f, "prot" => $prot, "biul"=>$biul, "biul_f" =>$biul_f, "mp3" => $t_pos['mp3'] ) ); unset($prot,$biul,$prot_f,$biul_f); } // $centro -> assign('pos',$tmp); return $tmp; } function lata() { $r = mysql_query("select DISTINCT YEAR(data) as rok from posiedzenia"); for(;$t = mysql_fetch_row($r); $tmp[] = $t[0]); return $tmp; } function prawo_lokalne() { if ($_GET['fraza']) { $where .= " uchwaly.skrot like '%".trim($_GET['fraza'])."%' and "; } if ($_GET['mies']) { $where .= " MONTH(posiedzenia.data) = '".$_GET['mies']."' and "; } if ($_GET['rok']) { $where .= " YEAR(posiedzenia.data) = '".$_GET['rok']."' and "; } if ($_GET['id']) { $where .= "posiedzenia.id = '".$_GET['id']."' and "; } $where .= " 1 order by posiedzenia.data DESC, uchwaly.numer "; if (!$_GET['szuk'] && !$_GET['miesiac'] && !$_GET['rok'] && !$_GET['id']) $where .= " DESC LIMIT 20"; else $where .= " DESC "; // print $where; $zapytanie = "select uchwaly.id, posiedzenia.numer,posiedzenia.data,SUBSTRING(YEAR(posiedzenia.data),3,2) as rok, uchwaly.numer as uch_nr,uchwaly.skrot from uchwaly ,posiedzenia where uchwaly.id_posiedzenie=posiedzenia.id and ". $where; $r_uch = mysql_query($zapytanie); // print $zapytanie; if ($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] == "") { # die($zapytanie); } $tmp = array(); while ($t_u = mysql_fetch_array($r_uch)) { $r_plik = mysql_query("select id,opis,format from uchwaly_pliki where id_uchwala='".$t_u['id']."'"); $tmp2= array(); while ($t_p = mysql_fetch_array($r_plik)) { $path = "./prawo/". $t_p['id'].".".$t_p['format']; if (file_exists($path)) { array_push($tmp2,array( "id" => $t_p['id'], "id_uch" => $t_u['id'], "opis" => $t_p['opis'], "format" => $t_p['format'], "size" => number_format(filesize($path)/1024,0) ) ); } } array_push($tmp,array( "id" => $t_u['id'], "numer" => $t_u['numer'], "data" => $t_u['data'], "rok" => $t_u['rok'], "nr_uch" => $t_u['uch_nr'], "skrot" => $t_u['skrot'], "pliki" => $tmp2 ) ); } # $centro -> assign('uch',$tmp); # $centro -> assign('uch_p',$tmp2); return $tmp; } ?> Brusy Miasto i Gmina Mapy regionu Fotogaleria Deutsch English Wersja polska
Fotogaleria Brusy Brusy
< Powrót do strony głównej • 23 października 2024r.
Tour guide Napisz do nas!

Village – situated 3 kilometres in south-east from Brusy, on a track to Czersk. About 1000 residents. Village dates from 1324 year. BATLLE WITH SWEDES – 2ND OF SEPTEMBER 1659 YEAR In the woods behind the village Kosobudy Polish Heuptman Czarnecki commanding Polish worriers took Swedes by surprise when they were sleeping. Swedes were totally bitten. Many years later at the time of WW2 when workers were making embankment for track Berlin – Krolewiec they found more that 200 human skeletons. Because of German scrupulous they send discovery for age-tests to Berlin. Polish suspicious that bones were from WW1 were unfounded – because Germans found out that the skeletons were from second part of XVII century – so those were Swedes skeletons. Legend says that the battle was so bloody that the earth became red. 16th of July 1998 year there have been consternate a cross in commemoration of battle in the woods near to Kosobudy. Court industry was represented by: mill (already noted in XIV century), brewery and brickfield from XVIII century and glass-works which was establish only few years before partition of Poland. Distanced 5 kilometres from Kosobud glass-works was mention in 1772 as Kossadudsche Glasshütte. In eighties XX century one of the village Huta farmers found at the land work glass remainders and archaeological research proved that the glass was made in local glass-works. Over the village is situated a figure of St. John Nepomucen made in 1925 as gratitude gesture of village - people saved from the WW1. According to the legend everyone who will damage or destroy this figure will be punished.

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